Here’s what you need to know to be involved!

Event Details

The Educators Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for Friday, May 5th, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Crossway Sanctuary. We have invited educators and a guest of their choice from two neighborhood schools to come to Crossway for a catered dinner. We are planning for 200 adult guests. Pastor Matt is the lead coordinator for this event, but Loren and Taylor Baysden will be serving as the Community Outreach coordinators for our school outreaches. Kevin Culotta, who is a member of Crossway and the Principal of Coastal Christian High School, will be sharing an encouraging message during the dinner. This is an opportunity to share God's love with educators in our neighborhood and show them that we appreciate their sacrifices for the children in our community. 

Service Teams for the Event

SET UP TEAM will set up tables and chairs in the Sanctuary:

  • SUNDAY, APRIL 30TH -- Immediately following the 11AM service we will do the initial stacking of chairs, bring in the tables, and put chair covers on the chairs.

AMBIANCE/DECORATING TEAM has been adopted by the Brock Life Group. They would probably welcome additional volunteers. (Decorating times TBD.)

HOSPITALITY TEAM will welcome guests, encourage educators, serve drinks, bus tables, empty trash, and tidy bathrooms as needed, etc.

CLEANUP TEAM will clean up after the dinner on Friday night and then set up the sanctuary for church on Sunday.

  • FRIDAY MAY 5TH:  Initial Clean Up -- Immediately following the dinner we will do trash cleanup; remove decorations, store tables, and take off chair covers. 

  • SATURDAY MAY 6TH2-4PM - Set chairs back up for Sunday morning.   

ENCOURAGEMENT TEAM will write encouragement/thank you cards for each teacher, donate money for gift cards, create prayer request containers for each table, or assemble gift bags. These tasks can be divided up over multiple Life Groups. The goal is to buy $10 gift cards to a coffee shop or $25 Visa Gift cards, depending on how much money is donated, to give to each guest as a follow up reminder of our gratitude. Donations by cash or check should be designated "Educator Appreciation Dinner" or you can give ONLINE and choose the "Benevolence" option in the drop down.

Please join us in praying for the educators receiving the invitations to the Educators Appreciation Dinner! 


Your responses will be sent to the Service Area Team Leaders who will follow up with you. If you are unable to fill out the signup form, you can also volunteer by texting Alicia Zander @ 910-512-2224 or emailing