The resurrection of Jesus is the central tenant of the Christian faith. If Jesus has not risen from the dead then the whole Christian faith crumbles.

Since it did happen, we can expect there to be proof that Jesus arose. Many reject it, but that does not mean the resurrection does not have good evidence.

The following resources are to help us be sure that our faith is resting on solid ground and not make-believe. All of us process information differently, so there is a mixture of articles and videos.

We hope these will be useful. They won’t answer every question, but they will help. If you have further questions please reach out to us.


The first article is 5 pages long; the second one is 13 pages.


There are 4 videos below. The first 3 are all under 6 minutes each. The last is a full sermon.

This is a fast paced look at some proofs of the resurrection.

Andy Bannister with RZIM gives a 4:00 answer to whether Jesus rose from the dead.

Dr. Theodore Cabal from Southern Seminary answers “What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus?”

This is a full-length sermon from Ravi Zacharias entitled “He Is Risen Indeed.”