After packing it in for one service during the Summer months we are excited to go back to two services as Fall approaches, vacations comes to an end and our students return!
Starting AUGUST 18TH we will be gathering together at 9AM and 11AM! Below are a couple important things to know:
CW KIDS — additional classes offered for 11AM service!
CW Kids will be provided for Infants - 3rd Grade in BOTH services! Shout out to our faithful CW Kids servants!! The 11AM service will have a modified/combined class structure based on the anticipation of the bulk of our families coming to the earlier service. The classes for the 11AM service will be Infants-1yr class, 2-4 Class and K-3rd Grade class.
As always, Infants - 3 Years Old can go into their classes right away. We encourage all CW Kids ages to CHECK IN right away, even though 4yr olds through 3rd grade kids will be in the service for a portion of music before they are dismissed to their classes.
We would like to reserve the parking in front of the main sanctuary entrance for visitors and those who are helped by parking closer to the building. For everyone else who is able, we encourage you to utilize parking across the street at Mosley Academy (shown on map below) and there are also additional spots behind the building by the fellowship hall.