Some believe the grass is greener on the other side.. in reality, as it’s explained by the Psalmist Asaph, the more we’re looking over the fence, the more slippery our footing gets.
Ecclesiastes on Meaning
"Be Alert and be Assured" 1 Peter 5:8-14
This Sunday wraps up the study of 1 Peter as we look at the final portion of chapter 5. The call is both sobering and joyful, Be alert and Be ASSURED
"Finding God's Grace in Humility" 1 Peter 5:5-7
This week Pastor Matt dives into 1 Peter 5:5-7 and unpacks humility as applied to our lives. The call is to Humble yourself under the hand of God. Humble yourself by casting your cares upon God…. All your anxieties! All the time, All upon HIM.
"Dads... RAISE them up, don't STIR them up!" Eph 6:4
This Father’s day, Pastor Matt calls fathers to action, encouraging them right where they are! The work is hard, worth it and above all, God’s grace is refreshing.
1 Peter 5:1-4 "What Should a Church Expect of Leaders"
Peter has spoken about work and family responsibilities .. now he focuses in on church leaders and a right response of the members.
1 Peter 4:12-19 "Don't be Surprised"
Peter was very clear - the Christian life is not always an easy walk down a primrose pathway. But we do have a gracious God who walks with us. We’ll learn more about what it means to walk faithfully with our God despite trials that come our way.
1 Peter 4:7-11 Live Today with the END in View
Last week we looked at "Expectations" ... if we are going to follow God in this world, we can expect to be misunderstood and suffer. We'll continue looking at what it means to live for God in this world.
1 Peter 4:1-6- Expectations in this life
Peter sets Expectations, uncomfortable as they may be, and gives encouragement to the believer. .
Colossians 2:9-15 - Life in only the Right Place.
"Looking for Life in all the Right Place" Colossians 2:9-15
As a precursor to baptism, Pastor Matt preaches from Colossians 2; Drawing attention to the call of Baptism for the believer.
Psalm 116- Return to your Rest
"Suffering for Righteousness Sake" 1 Pet 3: 8-17
Pastor Matt preaches from Psalm 116 where David reminds us of the Lord's promises and why we can Rest in the LORD
"Suffering for Righteousness Sake" 1 Pet 3: 8-17
"Suffering for Righteousness Sake" 1 Pet 3: 8-17
Peter sets the stage for the suffering we can expect as Believers. There will be a way that we will suffer because of righteousness in this life and as we seek to live out our faith.
"The Humble King of Hope" John 12:12-19
"The Humble King of Hope" John 12:12-19
This Sunday is Palm Sunday! One week left before Easter. The sermon focuses on the King of Hope, who humbly accepted His role to die for our sin to give us all hope.
"Subject and Submission" 1 Peter 3:1-7 pt.3
"Subject and Submission" pt3
In the the third mini segment on Subject and Submission, Matt preaches from 1 Peter 3:1-7. Here, Peter addresses what it is for wives and husbands to show Christ’s example in love and sacrifice to each other.
"Subject and Submission" 1 Peter 2:18-25 pt.2
"Subject and Submission" pt2
In the second mini segment on Subject and Submission, Matt preaches from 1 Peter 2:18-25. The focus from Peter is that on what it is to be subject, respectful and how we should submit to the ‘Masters’ of our day and age.
"Subject and Submission" 1 Peter 2:11-17 pt.1
"Subject and Submission"
This week, we endeavor to unpack Peter’s letter as it relates to our role as citizens and how we should engage with local & worldly authorities.
"Abstinence & Excellence" 1 Peter 2:11,12
"Abstinence & Excellence"
Last week we looked at Jesus as the cornerstone of the building of our lives, the need to connect with one another, and to be “priests” who stand out as light to the world around us. This week, we look at Peter’s urging to live lives in light of being pilgrims in this world.
1 Peter 2:4-10
"Rejected Stone and a Holy People"
Jesus is building us into spiritual houses that reflect him all throughout the world
1 Peter 2:1-12
"Rejected Stone and a Holy People"
Pastor Bill takes us into 1 Peter Chapter 2 where it’s evident that God gives us the tools and the strength to mature in our Christian walk. We can trust his work IN us!
1 Peter 1:22-25
"Love One Another"
Last week we looked at Peter's charge to "Be Hopeful" then "Be Holy" . This week, we continue with Peter's charge to the church to "Love One Another" as a result of our being born again through the living word.