“Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier; and the church in your house: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philemon 1-3
This greeting in the book of Philemon is one of many New Testament pictures of the people of God as a united family, in various places, using a diversity of gifts for the benefit of one another and the expansion of God’s Kingdom. One Big, Scattered Family!
This Sunday night, May 23rd, 6:30-7:30PM we will finish off our week of prayer with a night of prayer and worship. As we round out the week, we want to ask you to join us in praying for our church plants and missionaries:
Pray for the unity and spiritual health of the leadership team: James & Wendy Larrabee; Connor & Crystal Joselyn; Hunter & Ashley Hopkins
Pray for wisdom as they steward the 30,000 square foot facility they were given, much of which is in a state of disrepair. Pray James will have the vision and faith to know exactly how God is calling them to use their space to meet the needs in their city.
Pray for God to raise up and bring to Parkview additional servants and key leaders for the season ahead.
Pray for revival in Gloversville…mass conversions, as people see the glory of Christ in the gospel.
Pray for Nathan & Julissa Cedarland and their children — that God will grant them wisdom for the future as they consider how long to remain in Mexico. Pray for strength, endurance and joy on the mission field of Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Pray for them to have a refreshing trip to the US this summer, that they will get replenished for the season of ministry ahead.
Pray God would grant a unique amount of grace to the group of men Nathan is training. Pray these men will become pastors within Camino De La Cruz for the years to come, and also go on to train other men to plant and serve churches in the region.
Pray for community to continue to strengthen and develop as the church grows.
Pray for fertile spiritual soil in Burgaw and the surrounding area, that will result in people coming to faith and many who are not involved in a local church plugging into Crossway Burgaw.
Pray for the unity of the core team we will be sending out from Wilmington. Pray God will grant them deep friendship and partnership in ministry that will strengthen the team and serve as an example to those they serve in the community.
Pray for God to bring 5-10 additional committed families over the next year, following the send off of the Burgaw team this Fall.
AVANT MINISTRIES (Individual Information Replaced with “Our Missionary”)
Pray for meaningful relationships in muslim contexts through the multi-media ministry of our missionary.
Pray for meaningful connections to be made with local churches as the gospel is shared and people respond.
Pray for vision and creative thinking as our missionary continues to use multi-media to reach closed countries.
VIGILANT HOPE (Urban Missionary, Greg Graham)
Pray for Greg to have an increasing platform with men and women as he provides them with employment through construction projects.
Pray for people to respond to the word of God as Greg has opportunity to preach and point them to Christ.
Pray for the ongoing fruitfulness of Vigilant Hope as they seek to reach, serve and equip those in our city who have (are) stuck in cycles of poverty and addiction.
Thanks for praying along with us. May the Lord be pleased to work through our prayers, for His great name!